Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Life as a Family of 3

Finally, an update! For awhile, I simply could not put this huge transition into words. I still can't, really. There is no way to describe the way your life changes when you become parents to a four-year-old overnight.  I am still getting used to being a mother. It's a very natural thing for me, but also not everything that I expected. I am still working on finding a balance between being Noel's mom and being Sarah. I think you lose yourself in the role of mother really quickly. Dave is an amazing father with a seemingly endless supply of patience and softly spoken words.

Noel is sweet and precious and sensitive and funny, BUT he doesn't like to be alone. So for this introverted mama, that is a struggle. He must always know where we are, and 85% of the time, he must be right there with us. He talks and sings and asks questions non-stop, which is cute some of the time and exhausting the rest of the time. I think he will be an excellent student because he is so curious, but let's just say there is NO way I will be homeschooling him.

I have been staying home full-time since we came back to the states.  Dave and I are thankful for our strong connection with Noel. We had bonded pretty well in South Africa and have continued to do so since we've been home. Thus far, we haven't encountered any attachment difficulties that can arise with adopted children. We've been blessed with this little guy. His behavior is great most of the time; he is sweet and affectionate and silly. He makes us smile and laugh everyday and our hearts are overwhelmed with love for our little Noely-Bean.

Please continue to pray for Noel and for us. We certainly have had a few challenges and I'm sure we'll have more in the future. Noel has had moments of extreme grief, missing his friends in South Africa. He is still adjusting to life as the only kid in the house and can get lonely (playdates welcome). He is attuned to the fact that our skin is a different color than his, so please pray that we have wisdom while navigating the transracial adoption challenges. Unchartered and terribly important territory.

We are so grateful for all of you walking alongside us during this time. I probably will not post much more on this blog, but feel free to email me (skern1129@gmail.com) with questions or find me on Facebook (Sarah Mauger Kern) for daily updates and pictures.

All Our Love,

Dave, Sarah and Noel

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